
“Rob and Anna Sinnott opened Terrarium in 2022. Their inspiration for creating a combination plant hub and café stemmed from Rob’s background in horticulture and Anna’s background working in restaurants. She was inspired while walking through a greenhouse and wanting to create a warm getaway during the cold winters of Maine.“

Film by Juliette Sutherland for PlantPop


Industrial Chic Terrarium Takes DIY to a Whole New Level

“Terrarium isn’t like other bars, and Rob Sinnott isn’t like other bartenders. While many high-end cocktail establishments use foraged ingredients in their libations, and while many of Portland’s restaurants draw inspiration from our natural surroundings, Rob’s Tupperware of wild greenery isn’t on the drinks menu. ”



How to Make Your Own Terrarium Garden

“If you live in an apartment or have limited access to outdoor gardening space, there are many ways to bring greenery into your home. One of those ways is through terrarium gardening, which is essentially a mini garden that you grow inside of a glass container. Terrarium is also the name of a store in downtown Portland, and the owners specialize in designing terrarium gardens.”



Build your own mini indoor garden at Portland plant shop Terrarium

“If you need a gardening fix and can’t wait until the outdoor soil is dry enough to work, try creating a miniature indoor garden.”

Portland Press Herald